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Is Cryptopolis the next social game?

Social games are on the rise and that's why we want to inform you about the importance of the social aspect of these games
What is a social game?
Social games have been growing in popularity in recent years. An exploding boom of millions of players around the world enjoying the more casual titles, to more complex multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs). These games are designed to bring players from all around the world together to compete, play and socialize with each other.
History of social games.
You may think that social games are a new concept, but that isn’t the truth.In an aspect, all classic games are social even going as far back as 5000 years ago when in Egypt the first games with dice rolls were invented. Then through history we made thousands of different games that we played together because we as humans love the social aspects of playing games with friends and family.
1974 was an important year for modern game history; the year dungeons and dragons came to the market, a game that still to this day is played by millions of people: it revolutionized how people played a game. The idea of combining combat with storytelling and the player's imagination about their own characters on the board brought a whole new aspect to gaming in general. You can trace most of these aspects through the rise of computer games, till now web browser games that connect millions of players throughout the world. Playing, building and contributing to virtual worlds that drive on the creativity of the playerbase.
Who plays social games?
So who exactly play games to socialize? You might think that players who play social games are more casual but nothing more is true. Most of the social gamers tend to have a more hardcore interest in gaming and most of them are male.
The act of playing video games for social interaction is most prominent among the younger demographic gamers, for example players are aged 16 to 24. It's easy to overlook the significant impact that online environments have had on their gaming experiences. In fact, younger players have grown up in a more connected environment with social media influencing their lives and may not even know what gaming is like without it.
Successful concept.
What makes a social game a success is the shared experiences players enjoy with each other. The stories and friendships that are created between individual players makes for strong connections towards the game and keeps them engaged for longer periods of time. 
A social game may seem simple on a surface level, they are often crafted really carefully around the needs and attention span of the players. We talked about it before: keeping people engaged is really important to have a successful social game.
As cryptopolis we also work on engaging and gameplay with the social aspect on top. Creating items that are worth collecting and trading with each other, the simple way of inviting each other to your rooms and showing off the awesome items you have. But also the story of the Tower that we are slowly implementing to the game through quests and missions that the player has to complete.   

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