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CMC Updated


Cryptopians, following a lengthy discussion with Coin Market Cap (CMC), our circulating supply has been updated. In the future, updates will occur automatically. Please read below for information on what has changed and why 550 million is not displayed
An image for Cryptopolis

Why is the 550m not mentioned at the circulating supply?

Following our conversation with Coin Market Cap (CMC), they informed us that they are unable to include all wallets in the circulating supply. They only count tokens that are currently in circulation. For example, tokens from private or public sales that have not yet been claimed are not considered in circulation (136 million). Additionally, tokens that are staked by investors are not included in the circulating supply (88 million).

The following wallets are not included in the circulating supply!

  • Staking Pool
  • Unclaimed tokens from the presale (investors must claim their tokens from a smart contract in order to receive them in their own wallet)
  • Marketing
  • Team/Advisors
  • Ecosystem incentives

Staking Pool

We regret that staked tokens are not included in the circulating supply. Currently, there are 88 million tokens in the staking pool, which would have doubled the current number of tokens in circulation (84 million).

Pre-sale token + 100% Unlocked

Since October 2022, all tokens from the presale have been fully unlocked. However, the investors have not yet claimed their tokens. We are grateful for their unwavering support and belief in the Cryptopolis project. Unfortunately, Coin Market Cap (CMC) does not include these tokens in their calculation of the “circulating supply” (163 million).
Presale tokens are placed behind a vesting contract to ensure that not everything is released at once. The investor can manually access this contract to claim his tokens. The investor is able to claim every day a small amount. If the vesting is 12 months, he can claim 1/365 share per day. If he claims after 30 days, he can claim 30/365.

Cryptopolis tokenomics release schedule

An image for Cryptopolis
Above, you can see the release schedule of the CPO tokens. At the time of writing (2nd of February 2023), the total supply is around 550M. On the 18th of May 2024, the last token will be released to claim.
An image for Cryptopolis

Why did you not include the treasury and game ecosystem in the chart?

The treasury and the game ecosystem are currently not minted. And for now, there is no intention to mint them. They are initially included in tokenomics for a specific purpose and will only be minted in that specific case.

What is the specific case and why dont you burn them?

The treasury and game ecosystem tokens have been set aside for future use. Once the game is in its full release state, a portion of these tokens will be distributed within the in-game economy to ensure that all players have access to them. This distribution will be based on supply and demand principles. The tokens will remain unused until there is a significant demand for them, at which point a portion may be minted in order to maintain a healthy supply and demand balance.
It is important to note that burning a large number of tokens now would negatively impact the game’s economy as it would limit the ability to supply the growing demand in the future. Decisions regarding the minting of these tokens will be made carefully and with consideration for the overall impact on all stakeholders, including the company.
We hope that this explanation has provided clarification.
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