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Why Cryptopolis is becoming one of the best crypto games.

To first assess what makes one of the best crypto games we have to look towards some more traditional games first. 
The traditional game.
If we take for example Habbo Hotel and ask ourselves why was it so popular and booming back in the days, we come to the simple conclusion that replay-ability and community are the key factors for a great game. Replay-ability keeps the community coming back, and the community invites new players like friends and family to the game. All of this creates real ambassadors which is of extreme importants of the game itself.
Creating a multiplayer function helps a game to thrive the interaction between players. The social aspect of the game will help create stories, friendships, rivalries and romance. Forming these important in game bonds that might last a lifetime and will give the player a core memory about the game is of very important for a game like for example Cryptopolis.
Why is this important you might ask?
Interacting with someone who is real, triggers a different response then when you talk to a NPC that only has fixed dialogue options. This is why most believe it’s important to have a healthy mix of story and the freedom for players to fill in the gaps with their own experiences. Thus creating a game where people feel like they have ownership over their own actions.
Ownership and community.
The evidence is clear! When a community feels that the game developers listen to what the players have to say the game is almost everlasting.
For example Fortnite started with a simple concept that was already there: “Battle royale” a map with 100 players battling each other. But what was the key to success in this story? Reinventing themselves every season, collaborating with brands, listen to players and the community on their social media platforms like reddit. Having their own identity but not afraid to try something new and when they made mistakes they owned them and tried to fix them as quickly as they could. Also in the new season they give even more tools to the players. Giving them the ability to create their own visions and stories and so they even get a better relationship with their own player base/community. This formula is also really important to keep in mind to become one of the best crypto games.
How does this relate to Cryptopolis?
We believe that Cryptopolis combines all these aspects like the relationship between game developers and community with even more ownership.
You might ask how you can give your community even more ownership? Well it’s quite simple: use NFTs which have the ability to own what you acquire in game.
On top of all the stories that we provide “the lore of the Tower” is the communities that exist, you can also buy and sell your property. We talk about rooms, furniture and even all the clothes you are wearing. Everything that is in your own inventory is really yours, providing you with the last and final step in ownership.
All these things combined will create the storytelling, players having the ability to communicate with each other and the freedom to buy and sell what you own. Making your own businesses and seeking opportunities to become the wealthiest Cryptopian is why we believe that Cryptopolis will become one of the best crypto games of 2023!

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